Friday, 21 May 2010

Royal Albert Hall and Monument, Kensington

It turned out a warm afternoon and after duly adding 600 words to the latest version of my manuscript we took a bus to Kensington Park to view this stunning over the top Victorian monument.

Queen Victoria's monument to her beloved Albert, flanked on four corners by statues representing the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and America.  it is massive and gilt and ornate and completely extravagant.  Visitors flock to it and photograph and marvel- we followed alongside, then sat and viewed the structure with coffee and a muffin to share.

Royal Albert Hall looks wonderful- wouldn't it be grand to see a performance there?  Kel was lucky enough to capture a plane flying overhead!

Then a walk down to Kensington Palace(one visit inside a palace a week is enough)  and watching the masses of people walking, running, cycling, walking dogs and even mini soccer games for kiddies taking place on the green lawns everywhere.
Of course the squirrels came out- a notice says do not feed the squirrels or pigeons.

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