Friday 29 June 2018

The release date is coming very, very soon

Leave Taking

I love UQP's back blurb where leave taking is defined as a noun and is the act of saying goodbye.

My book!  Yah!

What a journey to reach publication and beyond- I've already had a couple of reviews and the artwork by Peter Carnavas is delightful.  I will get to actually meet Peter next month when I travel to Brisbane and then onto Voices on the Coast to present workshops and a talk.

Our farming background provides wonderful rich material for the setting of 'Leave Taking'.

Little incidents that my children created are also woven into the fabric of farm life for Toby.

UQP are providing wonderful publicity opportunities so this little book can shine.

Of course it comes at an emotional cost.  The grief is palpable but then so is the hope and the celebration of moving on.

I sincerely hope it touches many hearts young and old.