Sunday 28 August 2011

Coming- cloaks, cloaks

This coming week, I have two books being released a day apart!  From two different publishers.

 I have a book launch planned for 'Chantelle's cloak' in Bendigo and to that effect I have made a cloak- but the model is reluctant to reveal the finished product.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Bryon Bay Writers' festival

My little part is done- fighting off a terrible cold and cough- but managed to listen to a few sessions, before my cold overwhelmed me.  Enjoyed listening to Alison Lester, James Roy and Tony Wilson- plenty of kids in the ABC3 tent and being introduced by Amberley Lobo and Kayne Tremillis was a buzz.  But poetry was read and I had questions and responses- but not the line up for book signing that Alison Lester had- they forgot to announce signings for me- ah well.

But what I have learnt is there are more writers writing form the seat of their pants than planners- so i feel very comfortable with this.

It was lonely - I didn't know anyone so that  is so different to the children's writing festivals I've been to- but lots to ponder and that is always the hallmark of a great festival.