Friday 24 May 2013

Writing(Of course)

Well yes I've been writing, but in a different direction-writing poetry strategies to encourage others to write also.

I've used poems in my latest collection : 'Guinea Pig town and other poems about animals' as a basis to explore such topics as:

  • Texture
  • one word to a line poems
  • adverb poems
  • simple repetition poems, 'over leaf, under leaf'

In the process, I write an example poem then construct scaffolding for others to 'take the plunge' into the fascination and satisfying realm of writing.

Here's a sample from my texture poem.

'feathers made into moon faces
when owls hunt at night"

And of course another wonderful photo of animals (and Quinn) at my recent book launch.

Friday 3 May 2013


I've been to a local school- very special because it is in the area where I grew up and for some reason, the minute I drive into that area I'm inspired.  Memories crowd in, possibilities arise...

Any way I spent the day at Holy Rosary school with the lovely librarian Eva, who plans to teach poetry to the classes.

Here is a snapshot of the information board she prepared prior to my visit.

It makes me realise that I need to update information on my website too!

If you are after a way to write a new poem here's a website I was on during poetry month.

Thanks for hosting Laura Salas.