Tuesday 19 February 2019

A new Year

What a well used phrase!  Yes a new year with a very hot summer, a new knee replacement and new energy to write.  I have been away from my blog for too long and want to share some of the writing events and other creative events that have happened in the interim.

  • I was a guest speaker at the Melbourne ALEA conference in November and spoke on empathy in books, namely 'Leave Taking'.
  • I had a poem published in the anthology 'To End All Wars' Puncher and Wattman.
  • Took workshops and edited a collection of memory stories at my old home town of Dingee. A book is the result for the participants and an exciting launch next week.
  • Beavered away in my craft room for a monumental bounty of Christmas gifts for my big family and 12 grandchildren- how I love craft!

Made toy bagpipes for an eager Grandson

Love hand sewing- made a toy set using Gingermelon pattern
Beautiful flowers waiting for me in my room after surgery- from my Church friends!
The World War one anthology!

So this is a little taste of the end of year activities and New Year ones!  I hope to be more regular with posts!  (No not a resolution, but a real hope!)